We’re your partner for all cross-screen, advanced advertising solutions.

Reach more voters & political decision-makers using Optimum Media’s (formerly a4 media) smart AI planning solutions and advanced audience capabilities.

Using only the most trusted sources and our proprietary ad solutions, as a cable company at our core, we create custom media plans to meet your campaign goals, no matter how unique or specific. With around 90MM households nationwide, our campaign experts can guide you through decision-making to ensure your ad dollars are spent wisely across the complex digital ecosystem.  

We offer solutions for any audience, on any screen, in-home, and out-of-home.

Our award-winning team is available around the clock during heightened election periods to ensure we never over-promise & under-deliver.

2021 Sales Team of the Year

2022 East Agency of the Year

Best COVID Response Campaign

Let’s Work Together

We’re more than a cable company or just another ad-tech platform — we’re a connectivity company accurately and efficiently connecting your campaign message to the people and voters that matter most. With a robust offering of premium inventory and advanced data solutions, as well as a team of experts with 80 years of collective political experience, we’re here to ensure your message reaches the right audiences in premium environments. Our data sources are reliable, trusted, and accurate. Looking for lift? Incremental reach? We have you covered, and so much more.

Whether your audience is best reached on premium cable, streaming TV, online, or on mobile through our proprietary AdMessenger Platform — our advanced, smart AI planning tools amplify your voice to the right people, no matter where they are or how they’re consuming media. 

  • Our unique 1:1 ACR solutions can drive incremental reach.

  • We can reach voters on any device from mobile to CTV, at home and on the go!

  • We can reach voters based on where they’ve been. We’re able to collect device location data and remarket to those devices after an event!

  • We offer unique digital solutions that optimize towards sign-ups and donations.

  • Look no further with our brand new Audience Profiler, where we can let you know the exact breakdown of your uploaded voter list.

  • Our team has over 80 aggregated years of experience in political advertising, so we understand the speed and nuances you face and how to best assist you in running successful campaigns.